Sunday, September 5, 2010

Waiting and Waiting

So a lot of things have happened since last time I wrote.

Being an EFY counselor was simply the most amazing experience I've ever had.
the first couple of days were pretty silent but still a good experience. After some days I started bonding with the girls i was a counselor/leader for. and i ended up loving every single youth around me and especially my girls and all the youth from my company/group. I realized how wonderful every single of them are and how special they are in their own way.
the spirit was present throught the whole week, but I really felt it at our morning study time when the youth were sitting on a field with the sun shining on the them.

Another time through the week where i really felt the spirit so strong was at our testimony meeting. I was smiling through the whole meeting, and crying like a baby. the spirit was simply incredible and everyone just hugged and cried together afterworth. i can't describe how amazing it was in words, i don't think there excist words enough in the world to describe how special it was

I ended the EFY (especially for youth) week with giving all of my 10 girls (youth) a postcard especially for each of them, telling them how special they are.

On the way home I was sitting in the car just listening to the EFY cd, still feeling the amazing spirit and talking with other counselors/friends about what an amazing experience it had been. surtainly something I'm gonna do right away if i get the chance.

Right after EFY i went to Italy with my parents and sister. I had a great time with them and especially bonding some more with my sister. she is so special to me. i really love her so deeply.

After my vacation in Italy i went to Fest i Nord in Finland. i loved it as always. it was different this year compared to the last 2-3 years but still really great. i were able to spend time with some of my friends that i really care about, meeting new people and making new friends. the dances were maybe not great but at least funny. especially the finnish music.. really special ;)

Since i graduated in june i don't have school anymore, so now I'm just working as much as possible, and preparing to serve my mission.

since there were some missing informations on my mission papers they were stucked in Frankfurt for quite some time, so finally 4 weeks ago i got it worked out and the papers got send to US right away.
So. now I'm just waiting for the call. which is not easy... but hopefully I'll get it soon.

In the meantime I'm working some more, preparing some more, taking a trip to Norway, participating in a temple weekend and a weekend in Sweden to battle of bands

so all in all, life is great ;)

Monday, May 10, 2010

soon 2b summer ;)

ok, so now i'm really able to see my graduation getting closer.
there is 2 days left with normal school and then only the exams to take care of and after that.. SUMMER BREAK yay.... can't wait.
there are so many things i'm looking forward to when i'm finally able to enjoy the summer. stuff like, EFY (as counsellor), a lil trip to Norway, my photoshoot session with my friend Larsi, Fest I Nord in Finland with soccer games, dances, friends, good looking guys, talent show, and alot of other crazy stuff, relax with my family, trips to the beach (especially those on motorbike), seeing Daniel again when he get's back from his mission,  and of course to get tanned and being able to have summer clothes (especially dresses) on haha.. well just all the good stuff that a summer brings..

yesterday was a great day with church and fireside and good food and friends. After the fireside i went to my friend Nicolei's place where we worked on the choreography and music for my dance exam, that was awesome, just dancing around, trying new ideas, listening to music and all of that in good company and with a great help.

I also got my medical health check up for my mission papers, so now i'm only missing the dentist check up. kinda scary that i'll be gone in a couple of months (or maybe 4), but still, it's soon.
I wonder where they are gonna send me!! probably the most exciting thing of all the preparation and then waiting.. you guys are welcome to comment your guess.. could be fun to see if someone actually gonna guess it.

well i have a huge pile of assignments to do so cya later


Thursday, May 6, 2010

hello everyone
so this blog is going to follow me through, let's see.... my life ;) and since this is the first time I'm writing in here, I'm going to let you guys know a bit about me.

I just turned 21 last month and during the next month I'm going to end my studies and graduate for the second time during the last 4 years. I have studied at a basic business "high" school before where I graduated in 2008 and after that I went to study at another high school, so that I would be able to, and have the possibility to get in a lot more places in my further education than I could with the first education I had.
so ya, now I'm almost done with that.. and the next step in my path is taken shape.
I have been preparing to serve a full time mission for my church, during this last year and now the time is getting closer, which is a lil bit scary but still exciting. to those who doesn't know what the mission significate, then it, in short terms, significate that I'm going to serve 18 months ( 2 years for guys) in some country in the world while I'm preaching the gospel to those who wanna listen. I don't decide where I'm going, since I'm going to be send where God needs me and where I can make a difference. this mission is not going to be any kind of vacation at all, but is going to be really hard, but I believe, totally worth it. the hard thing about this decision is that I'm not going to see my family and friends for all this time, and ill be missing out of so many things in their life, but I still believe that the experiences I will get, the tools I will learn to use and the features I will develop will be of great benefit and help in my life later on.

I'm almost done with all the stuff i need to have in order to be able to send my mission papers in.
so in an hour ill be taking my last missionary preparation class : ( I love that class!. I'm already done with temple preparation class and I have already got 3 out of 4 vaccinations, that I need to have before leaving.

"the picture is just showing how sister missionaries look like"

After church on sunday ill be getting my medical health check up and then I'm only missing the dental check up.
my main concern is to find my mission clothes which must meet specific requirements. for example; the skirts length  must go below the knee, and preferably mid calf which is kinda hard to find at least where I live, and it doesn't help that I'm a quite tiny girl, but I'm sure it will all work out.